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Cubic 3x3x5 Hexagonal DipyramidA cubic 3x3x5 truncated into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Cubic 3x3x5 IIA relative of the mass produced cubic 3x3x5 made by exchanging pieces.
Cubic 3x3x5 Triangular PrismA cubic 3x3x5 scrambled and transformed into a triangular prism.

Cubic 3x3x5 ½A relative of the mass produced cubic 3x3x5 made by exchanging pieces.
Cubic 3x3x6Mass produced cubic 3x3x6. A mixtures of pieces from two different pieces.
Cubic 3x3x6 IIA true cubic 3x3x6 with layers of identical thickness.

Cubic 3x3x7Mass produced cubic 3x3x7.
Cubic 3x3x9 IThe logic successor of the cubic 3x3x7. A cuboid out of a series of cubes that behave like a bandaged 9x9x9.
Cubic 3x3x9 IIThe cousin of Cubic 3x3x9. All of its faces are split up. A cuboid out of a series of cubes that behave like a bandaged 9x9x9.

Cubic 3x5x7A 7x7x7 bandaged in two dimensions to emulate a cuboid.
Cubic 3x5x7 - Horror - Bump CuboidCubic 3x5x7 "Horror" Bump Cuboid
Cubic 3x5x7 Bump CuboidCubic 3x5x7 Bump Cuboid

Cubic 3x5x7 IIA cubic 3x5x7 3D printed from scratch as if it was bandaged 8x8x8.
Cubic 4x4x5 IAnother 4x4x5 but truncated into the shape of a hexahedron.
Cubic 4x4x5 IIAn 4x4x4 of Eastsheen modified into a cuboid which could have been a bandaged 6x6x6 as well. It does NOT change its shape.

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